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Celestaire Astra III Pro with Trad Mirror

Just as the Astra IIIB has become world famous as the premier low cost metal sextant, the Astra III Professional Model, with its low cost, high accuracy and excellent handling qualities, is destined to be the standard for professional seamen. Its construction is similar to the Tamaya sextants in that it has a bronze arc fused to an aluminum frame. The bronze arc can be manufactured to a higher tolerance than aluminum, which gives the sextant higher accuracy. At the same time the aluminum frame keeps the over-all weight low enough that fatigue is not a problem as with a solid bronze or brass sextant. Nevertheless, the additional weight of the bronze arc adds about 8 oz. and gives the instrument an excellent balance and 'heft'. Features: Ability to quickly and economically change the type of horizon mirror. Handle an electrical outlet suitable for powering accessories. LED lighting of the arc and drum (powered by 2 AA batteries - not included). Wooden case. 3.5 x 40 telescope.

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Item / Price
Stock Type
Inventory On Hand 02/17 @ 06:40 AM
Product Code
Order Quantity
Split (Traditional) Mirror - #0502P
Usually Stocked Item
Celestaire 0502P
Whole Horizon Mirror - #0501P
Special Order Item
Celestaire 0501P

CUSTOM: astra-iii-pro-with-trad-mirror

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

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