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Lanex 14mm Hurricane Yacht Braid

Exceptionally soft and flexible rope with exceptional strength and low elongation. The rope is especially suitable for mainsail, genoa and spinnaker sheets for yachters who prefer higher sensitivity with regard to the trimming of the sails. Courtesy of technical innovations, HURRICANE displays outstanding strength in its given group and moreover is very easy to splice. All colours are grey with a coloured tracer. Construction: Double braided rope. Core: Polyester, braided. Cover: Polyester 16 strands, semi-robust modification.

Product Code: Rope 14 Hurricane Black 1

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Item / Price
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Inventory On Hand 02/19 @ 05:10 PM
Product Code
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Grey w Black Tracer - Per Foot
Usually Stocked Item
Rope 14 Hurricane Black 1

CUSTOM: 14mm-hurricane-yacht-braid

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Polyester Yacht Braid