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Scotty #111 Kayak Starter Pack

Fishing essentials for outfitting your Kayak. The Kayak Starter Pack includes a 282 Baitcaster Spinning Rod Holder with Gear Head & Track-Holds a bait caster reel securely in the cushioned cradle. 438 Gear Head Track Adapter-slide the Gear Head into any of our 440 series track, twist the gear head clockwise to securely lock. 440-4 4 Low Profile Track-top load design allows for quick and easy setup. 311 Drink Holder-fits cans, coffee mugs and insulated sleeves. 136 Paddle Clip-holds your paddle, net, gaff & boat hook. 455 Baitboard & Accessory Tray-Exterior tray walls lets you cut bait and prep lures. Also included are your Stainless steel fasteners-18 pieces #10 x 5/8".

Product Code: 062017001111

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Inventory On Hand 02/16 @ 09:13 PM
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CUSTOM: scotty-111-kayak-starter-pack

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Rod Holders