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Solstice #34128 Tahiti Inflatable Stand-Up Paddleboard

Solstice Tahiti Inflatable Standup Paddleboard (iSUP) with Hi-pressure Pump and pressure gauge, H3 valve for quick inflate/deflate and backpack style carry bag. Features: Hi-pressure pump and pressure gauge. H3 valve supports quick inflating and deflating. Core is made of super high pressure drop-stitched material for strength and rigidity. Multi-layer construction reduces flex with an extensive EVA non-slip traction top. Tri Fin design supports performance and tracking in various water conditions. 4 Stainless tie-downs help secure gear. Rear D-ring supports optional leash attachment.

Product Code: 723815341280

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Inventory On Hand 02/19 @ 05:36 PM
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Reg $669.99
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CUSTOM: solstice-34128-tahiti-inflatable-standup-paddleboard

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Paddle Boards & Kayaks