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Spinlock Hardware Spinlock XCS

Aluminium sides for sustained higher load operation Choose XCS when the mounting location requires extra durability, such as mast mounting, when matching surface finishes for aesthetics Mid to higher load rope holding Reliable all around performance Available in white coated, black anodised or silver polished alloy XCS0610 for best performance on smaller diameter lines Ceramic Coated CAM and Base available for consistent holding & performance on modern lines Extruded alloy handle with soft end grip Secure handle locking in open and closed position Easy access to fasteners Handle labels supplied

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Special Order Items normally need a little extra time to be brought in from our suppliers � in some cases up to 7 business days. Special Orders are returnable subject to our RETURN POLICY but with a restocking fee.
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Item / Price
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Inventory On Hand 02/12 @ 07:32 PM
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6-10mm Triple - Silver
Special Order Item
Special Order Item
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CUSTOM: spinlock-xcs

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Clutches: Spinlock