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Categories > Sailboat Equipment > Parts: Laser/Radial/4.7

Parts: Laser/Radial/4.7


A note about Class Legal ILCA/Laser parts:

Most ILCA/Laser parts sold by Marine Outfitters are produced/distributed by two suppliers: Zim Sailing and Optiparts/WinDesign. All Zim Sailing parts are class legal and can be used in sanctioned racing regattas (always check with your race coordinator). Most Optiparts/WinDesign are also class legal - in fact, all Optiparts/WinDesign products listed on our site are class legal unless otherwise noted. Products found in the Optiparts catalog will have an (*) asterisk if it is not class legal.

Some of our economically-priced tiller extensions and accessories are not class legal; they are well made by other manufacturers. These parts are competitively priced, as they do not pay the fees required to carry a "class legal" designation. If you have no plans to race your Laser and sail recreationally, we recommend these parts.


ILCA/Laser Lines (Recreational)

Description Diameter Line Type Most Popular Colour Length
Mainsheet 1/4" or 6mm Nova Lite or Sprint Blue 45'
Vang 3/16" or 5mm DB Polyester or Nova Lite Green 10'
Traveler 3/16" or 5mm DB Polyester or Nova Lite Yellow 11'
Cunningham 3/16" or 5mm DB Polyester or Nova Lite Orange 10'
Outhaul 3/16" or 5mm DB Polyester or Nova Lite Green 10'
Clew Tie-Down 5/32" or 4mm DB Polyester or Nova Lite Purple 2'
Daggerboard Retainer 3/16" or 5mm Shock Cord Red 10'
Hiking Strap Retainers (2) 3/16" or 5mm DB Polyester or Nova Lite Orange/Blue 3' each

ILCA/Laser Lines (Pro / Racing)

Description Diameter Line Type Most Popular Colour Length
Mainsheet 5/16" or 7mm Rooster or Sprint Black 46'
Mast Tie In 1/8" or 3mm Dyneema or Spectec Black 3'
Traveler 3/16" or 5mm Dyneema or Spectec Blue 11'
Cunningham Secondary 1/8" or 3mm Dyneema or Spectec Red 3'
Cunningham Primary 3/16" or 5mm DB Polyester or Nova Lite Orange 13'
Clew Tie Down 3/16" or 5mm Dyneema or Spectec Blue 2'
DB Retainers with Brummels 3/16" or 5mm Shock Cord Red 10'
Outhaul Secondary 3/16" or 5mm DB Polyester or Nova Lite Blue 18'
Outhaul Primary 1/8" or 3mm Dyneema or Spectec Red 10'
Vang Primary 1/8" or 3mm Dyneema or Spectec Red 5'
Vang Secondary 3/16" or 5mm Dyneema or Spectec Red 14'
Outhaul Retainer 1/8" or 3mm Dyneema or Spectec Red 2'