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Taco Anti-Skid Starboard

Taco anti-skid is marine-grade polymer sheet developed to prevent slipping in high traffic areas. This unique product features a special high friction surface with a sure-grip design. High density polyethylene with a diamond pattern finish to prevent slipping and promote drainage when wet. Designed as a marine-grade decking material for virtually every walk-on marine application. Developed to withstand the harshest marine conditions (UV-stabilized, Saltwater resistant, Resists most stains and does not change color, Will not rot, delaminate or need refinishing, Chemical resistant, Cleans easily with marine-grade soaps or cleaners using fresh water). Applications: Bow Pulpits. Decking Hatches. Ladder Steps. Boarding Areas. Swim Platforms. Shower Floors. Stairways and Entry Ways. Step Treads.

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Quick Access Items normally ship in 1-2 business days. Quick Access Items are returnable subject to our RETURN POLICY but with a restocking fee.
Special Order Items normally need a little extra time to be brought in from our suppliers � in some cases up to 7 business days. Special Orders are returnable subject to our RETURN POLICY but with a restocking fee.
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Item / Price
Stock Type
Inventory On Hand 03/06 @ 10:00 PM
Product Code
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3/4" X 12" X 27", White - #P14-7512WHA27-1
Usually Stocked Item
1/2" X 12" X 27", White - #P14-5012WHA27-1
Quick Access

CUSTOM: taco-antiskid-starboard

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Marine Lumber