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NASA Clipper Compass System

The Clipper Compass is a fully electronic compass with remote fluxgate sensor. The large clear display has 7 levels of illumination and gives True or magnetic heading. The sensor which is gimballed for plus/minus 30 degrees of pitch and roll, is mounted in a position where stray magnetic fields are at a minimum. An electronic auto calibration then cancels out small errors. Steer to course function When the steering function is selected a series of chevrons accumulate showing the magnitude and direction of the steering error. To stay on course simply turn the wheel in the direction of the chevrons until they are extinguished. The steering sensitivity can be preset by the user. An off course alarm provides a safety feature when not at the helm. If the heading deviates by more than a preset amount then the alarm will sound.

Product Code: NASA CCS

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Inventory On Hand 02/13 @ 04:10 AM
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CUSTOM: nasa-clipper-compass-system

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Electronic Compasses