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First Aid Kits



CFK N300 Comes in a handy nylon soft pack with nylon loop to attach to a belt.
Qty. Description
1, pkg. Antiseptic Towelettes
1, pkg. Assorted Band-Aids
1, 4" x 6" Pressure Dressing
Elastic Tails
1, pkg. "J" Triangular
5, Medium Butterfly Closures
4, 3" x 3" Gauze Pads
1, 2 oz. Savlon Disinfectant
3, Sting Stop Prep Pads
1, pair Latex Gloves

CFK N301 Comes in a handy nylon soft pack with nylon loop to attach to a belt.
Qty. Description
1, pkg. Antiseptic Towelettes
1, pkg. Assorted Band-Aids
1, pkg. "J" Triangular
2, 3" x 4" Non Adherent Pads
1, 4" Compress Bandage
1, 2" Conform Bandage
1, 3" Tensor Bandage
1, 1" x 5" Bulk Adhesive Tape
5, Medium Butterfly Closures
1, pkg. 6" Cotton Tip Applicators (6 per pkg.)
1, 2 oz. Savlon Disinfectant
3, Sting Stop Prep Pads
1, 5-½" Surgical Scissors
1, pair Latex Gloves
1, Rescue Blanket
1, St. John Pocket Guide

CFK N302 Comes in a handy nylon soft pack with nylon carry straps.
Qty. Description
1, pkg. Antiseptic Towelettes
1, pkg. Assorted Band aids
2 ,pkgs. "J" Triangular (2 safety pins included with each pkg)
2, 3" x 4" Non Adherent Pads
1, 3" Tensor Bandage
1, 1" x 5" Bulk Adhesive Tape
5, Medium Butterfly Closures
1, 4" x 6" Pressure Dressing Elastic Tails
1, 8" x 10" Sterile Surgi Pads
20, 4" x 4" Gauze Pads
2, pkgs. 6" Cotton Tip Applicators (6 per pkg.)
1, 2 oz. Savlon Disinfectant
10, Sting Stop Prep Pads
1, 5-½" Surgical Scissors
1, 4-½" Splinter Forceps
12, Assorted Safety Pins
2, Eye Pads
1, pair Latex Gloves
2, Rescue Blankets
1, St. John Pocket Guide