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RailBlaza RodStow Double

The RodStow rod holder system is a vertical fishing rod storage rack and caddy for boats. RodStow rod racks will hold your rods above deck, safely and securely, ready for your fishing experience. The RodStow Double comes with stainless steel fasteners and can be installed in minutes. It features a storage caddy for lures, traces and other tackle, its even big enough to hold a small tackle box. These rod holders have a removable gimbal pin that you can leave in to support the rod and stop rotation, or remove to let the rod pass through. RodStow is a modular system, if you buy more you can add them together to make longer rod racks. Features: Storage caddy for lures, traces and other tackle. Tube size 40mm (1.57in) inside diameter. Can holds gaffs, boat hooks or nets. Removable gimbal pin to stop rod rotation. Made from UV Stabilised, fibreglass reinforced engineering polymers. Fits all rod lengths. Stainless steel screws. Stainless steel screws

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Item / Price
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Inventory On Hand 02/16 @ 07:43 PM
Product Code
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Black - #09-0010-11
Usually Stocked Item
Usually Stocked Item

CUSTOM: rodstow-double

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Rod Holders