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RailBlaza #11-4189-11 HEXX Rod Holder

Get ready to rumble with the RAILBLAZA HEXX Rod Holder! Built from advanced high-impact materials and robust design, this is one of the toughest rod holders on the market and can endure even the strongest strikes of tournament fishing. Get your hands on it today and let The Rock be jealous of you! Features: For spinning reels, bait caster and saltwater overhead reels. Rotating collar helps reduce strike-theft Rear gimble lock reduces rod rotation for compatible rods; lift to slide rods through. Fully adjustable 90 around, over 90 degree vertical. Easy access to reel when in position. Square-tooth adjustable tilt stops rotational slipping. Material Composition: High strength fiberglass reinforced, UV stabilized engineered polymer construction.

Product Code: 814162021939

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Inventory On Hand 02/16 @ 08:10 PM
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CUSTOM: railblaza-11418911-hexx-rod-holder

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Rod Holders