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RailBlaza #03-4128-11 Tracloader Sideport Suremount

This mounting base allows tool-free installation off accessories on the gunnel tracks of most aluminium fishing boats in the USA, including Crestliner Boats SureMount, Tracker VersaTrack, Lund Sport Trak, Lowe Boats and Princecraft PrinceTrak. With the mounting port on top, this base is best for fitting navigation lights, camera mounts, rod holders and cutting stations. Once in place it allows you to fit and swap out our full range of RAILBLAZA accessories and systems, including drink holders, fillet tables, depth sounders and much more. Features: Super strong made from high quality, UV stabilized, fiberglass reinforced polymers. Tool-free, simple installation, no drilling required.

Product Code: 814162020611

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Inventory On Hand 02/16 @ 08:58 PM
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CUSTOM: railblaza-03412811-tracloader-sideport-suremount

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

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