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Solstice Touring ISUP Kit

The Solstice Inflatable Touring Paddleboard offers a super stable, convenient to store paddle platform, designed for practical uses on most water conditions. With a 3-ply PVC skin and rigid core construction, the Touring Paddleboard is an excellent choice for leisure paddling, SUP fitness and catching some waves. Features: High-pressure, drop-stitched material. Double layer, heavy duty, PVC coated. Durable 1000 Denier 3 ply PVC reinforced fabric material. 4 soft rigging points with bungee. 5 stainless steel D-rings. 2 woven handles. 1 Removable Center FCS Skeg. Diamond groove 4mm EVA deck pad. Kit Includes: High-pressure pump. Wrench & repair kit. 3-piece adjustable aluminum paddle. Paddler Size Range: 180 Ibs.

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Inventory On Hand 02/10 @ 05:38 AM
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10 Feet - #36101
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CUSTOM: touring-isup-kit

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Paddle Boards & Kayaks