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Weems & Plath #515 3" Diameter Crystal Magnifier

This handsome optical-grade crystal glass magnifier features a compass rose making it perfect for use with nautical charts. With crystal clarity and magnification of 4x, this magnifier enlarges small print on any task and is a welcome addition to desks or chart tables. The scratch resistant Crystal Magnifier is more durable than acrylic models and is packaged in an attractive felt-lined gift box. Dimensions: 3" Diameter. Material: Optical-Grade, Crystal Glass with Compass Rose. Magnification: 4x. Scratch resistant. More durable than acrylic models. Packaged in Felt-Lined Gift Box.

Product Code: 721002910929

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Inventory On Hand 02/13 @ 04:05 AM
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CUSTOM: weems-plath-515-3-diameter-crystal-magnifier

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

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