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Ports Cruising Guides PORTS 2025 for Georgian Bay, the North Channel & Lake Huron

The new PORTS Georgian Bay, North Channel & Lake Huron updates include all editorial. PORTS, facilities, service, restaurants, commerce, anchorages, etc. now all include the most up-to-date info. Our Editorial Team consisting of Jeff Evans, Managing Editor and Allegra Smith-Herriott, Associate Editor, have worked diligently since May, 2024 to ensure the book has been fully updated. This year, they added a new Anchorage Index in the front section of the guide. This page provides a simple solution to finding anchorages in the area that boaters are located in or heading to. Additionally, we have added QR codes throughout the guide which lead to the latest local information for tourism highlights and events that tend to change frequently. The guide also includes a new appealing Coffee Table cover and many images throughout, provided by boaters in the areas featured. Includes: The single free digital version available through Apple and Google Play

Product Code: 9781777031893

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Inventory On Hand 02/07 @ 09:21 AM
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CUSTOM: ports-2025-for-georgian-bay-the-north-channel-lake-huron

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

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