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Ports Cruising Guides Ports Cruising Guide: Georgian Bay, North Channel & Lake Huron

Every cruiser in the region has used it for years, but now there's a brand new edition of the universally acclaimed PORTS Guide - Georgian Bay, North Channel & Lake Huron. Almost everything about this 2020 edition is new. New Aerial Photography completed in summer 2019 shows up to date info. Completely updated editorial by leading industry writers  Lynn Lortie, Craig Richie and Rob MacLeod. New Android/Apple mobile app - free with every print purchase! Upon purchase, the customer will be able to download the PORTS mobile app digital version of PORTS Georgian Bay onto a device of their choice. New Coffee Table Worthy look with same functional PORTS layout and spiral binding boaters love for ease of use. New boating photography courtesy of our photo contest winners. Whats still the same? This is the most authoritative guide available, indispensible to boaters who want to get the most of their experiences.

Product Code: 9781777031800

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Inventory On Hand 02/16 @ 08:12 PM
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Reg $64.95
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CUSTOM: ports-cruising-guide-georgian-bay-north-channel-lake-huron

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

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