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Dometic CRX-1050 1.7 cu' Refridgerator

The Dometic Coolmatic CRX 1050 U provides a 3-in-1 solution, you can choose between having: a fridge, freezer or both at the same time! This provides flexibility to configure the space as needed. It is a durable built-in refrigerator that is quiet, flexible and efficient. The powerful speed-controlled compressor reduces noise when operating at the temperature set point. An electronic control panel fits flush into the side wall, and its infrared (IR) sensor replaces the less-reliable mechanically activated switch for illuminating the interior. Interior mounted electronic thermistor (thermal resistor) for accurate temperature measurements Flange is standard; easily converts from flush-mount to space-saver position and vice versa. The cooling system is enhanced with a tube and fin condenser that provides greater performance, durability, and corrosion resistance over the traditional wire condenser. AC/DC 64x64x54cm

Product Code: 713814218515

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Inventory On Hand 02/07 @ 10:32 AM
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Stainless Steel Panel - #CRX-1050S
Special Order Item

CUSTOM: crx1050-17-cu-refridgerator

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Refrigerators & Freezers