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Isotherm Drawer 49 AC/DC

Drawer 49 Clean Touch Stainless Steel Refrigerator/Freezer, AC/DC, 4-Sided Stainless Steel Flange. Isotherm's Drawer 49 Clean Touch Stainless Steel Drawer Refrigerator/Freezers offers improved cooling performance and reduced power consumption, unit is specially-treated AISI 304 Clean Touch stainless steel door panels that results in zero fingerprints and additional resistance to UV rays, salt spray, and pitting. With integration of a new electronic thermostat which modulates the temperature, operates as the internal LED light, and will flash error codes for diagnostics purposes. This product will continue to feature world-leading BLUM rail slides which provide strategic quality advantage over the competition, bracing the drawer on the sides as well as from underneath. Features:Fridge Function, with freezer compartment. Clean Touch feature. Practical drawer mechanism with blum guides. Easy to use display, integrated LED light. Improved cooling performance, reduced power consumption

Product Code: 602573400968

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Item / Price
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Inventory On Hand 02/07 @ 10:32 AM
Product Code
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Stainless Steel - #D049DNNIT41113A
Special Order Item

CUSTOM: drawer-49-acdc

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Refrigerators & Freezers