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Isotherm Cruise 85 Elegance AC/DC

The Isotherm Cruise 85 Elegance Refrigerator / Freezer is the ultimate combination of style and technology. It has extra insulation and a freezer design that reduces battery consumption, resulting in superior performance. This 3.0 cu. ft. refrigerator with a 0.21 cu. ft. freezer has a black door and will run off of either AC or DC power. With simple slide of the invisible mechanism, Cruise Elegance can be switched to ventilation status. Features: High quality construction using corrosion-resistant materials. Fan-cooled 12 / 24V Danfoss compressor with low power consumption and quiet operation. New installation system allows easy fixing of the cabinet directly from interior of the fridge. Innovative internal bushing prevents the crushing of the insulated side wall. Blue LED interior light included as standard equipment. New handle has been designed to open large sized doors from a central position. Separate freezer compartment. Innovative vent-lock system.

Product Code: 091037787873

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Item / Price
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Inventory On Hand 02/07 @ 10:21 AM
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Black - #C085RBUAB71113A
Special Order Item

CUSTOM: cruise-85-elegance-acdc

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Refrigerators & Freezers