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Isotherm Cruise 195 AC/DC

The CR 195 INOX is a two door fridge-freezer solution combining a CR 130 refrigerator and a 65 liters freezer. The refrigerator comes with interior light and a vegetable bin. CR195 INOX is equipped with two fan-cooled compressors, separate thermostats for the fridge and freezer sections and is delivered with a flush mounting frame. This unit operates on 12 or 24V DC and 115 or 230V AC and has stainless steel doors and flange. Features: High quality construction using corrosion-resistant materials. Fan-cooled 12 / 24V Danfoss compressor with low power consumption, quiet operation. Right-hand or left-hand side opening options. Separate freezer compartment. Innovative Isotherm door handle prevents door from being accidentally opened. Magnetic rubber seals keep moisture out and door firmly closed. One-piece inner lining of food-quality, high density plastic. Corner-mount, air cooled compressors and right-sized freezer compartments for optimum storage of refrigerated items.

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Item / Price
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Inventory On Hand 02/07 @ 09:28 AM
Product Code
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Stainless Left Swing - #1195BB7NK0000
Special Order Item

CUSTOM: cruise-195-acdc

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Refrigerators & Freezers