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Isotherm Drawer 85 INOX AC/DC

The DR 85 Inox is a drawer refrigerator in stainless steel design providing a gross internal volume of 85L. The main drawer door mechanism is the top quality Isotherm solution, capable to ensure safe and large storage for food and drinks. A bottle rack is provided on the main counter door. Two inner drawers are available to ensure the maximum usability as well as great storage, with the top one as freezer compartment (-6 degreeC). Features: Rugged drawer construction specifically designed for the marine environment. Positive latching handle and lock mechanism keep drawers closed even in rough sea conditions. Universal DC / AC works with common power supplies used worldwide. User-friendly access and ease of use. Flush mount stainless steel flanges have built-in ventilation slots to improve cabinetry ventilation. Stainless steel drawer front, handle and flange. Separate freezer compartment. Standard evaporator cooling.

Product Code: 091037787415

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Inventory On Hand 02/13 @ 03:50 AM
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Stainless Steel - #D085DNGIA71113AA
Special Order Item

CUSTOM: drawer-85-inox-acdc

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Refrigerators & Freezers