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General Components Bison 4000A No-Idle Air Heater

Fuel-efficient, low-noise, reliable air heater. Kit includes 7-day programmable timer and all hardware required for typical installation of the unit. Includes seven meters of fuel line, one meter of ducting and one grille.Bison 4000A is a microprocessor-controlled compact fuel furnace designed for no-idle air heating of driver cab, freight compartments, passenger and crew compartments of commercial vehicles and motor homes. It operates independently of vehicles engine and built-in OEM heating systems. The heater consists of heat-producing combustion air chamber, process (cabin) air chamber and a heat exchanger that transfers heat to the inside of the vehicle. Three operating modes: Setpoint (adjustable 5 degree C to 35 degree C. Constant Heat (adjustable min - max), and Fan Only (air circulation/ventilation with no heat). For boats 24' to 34'. Power Rating: 4KW/13,000 BTU.

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Item / Price
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Inventory On Hand 02/10 @ 04:53 AM
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12V with Digital Controller - #GC6328
Quick Access
24V with Digital Controller - #GC6329
Quick Access

CUSTOM: bison-4000a-noidle-air-heater

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing
