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Novabraid 8-Plait Nylon NE

Nov-Eight 8 plait rope combines the strength and tenacity of a durable single braid Nylon Rope with a firm square braid that feeds well in modern anchor windlasses. Easy to handle, Nov-Eight stows in anchor lockers using a fraction of the space of equivalent size and length 3 strand ropes. Nov-Eight resists twisting and hockling making anchor deployment and retrieval easy and stress free. Nov-Eight is ideal for use in marine applications that demand a high level of elasticity built into the rope to absorb shock loads. Built from high tenacity Nylon 6.6 yarns, Nov-Eight grabs in the jaws of popular marine windlasses and can be spliced directly to chain to create a strong and durable anchor rode that lasts for many seasons. Nov-Eight is initially soft to the touch but is designed to be firm to use after wetted and dried on its initial use.

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Item / Price
Stock Type
Inventory On Hand 02/13 @ 04:23 AM
Product Code
Order Quantity
5/8", White with Gold - Per Foot
Quick Access
Rope 58 Nylon 8 Plait
1/2", White with Gold - Per Foot
Quick Access
Rope 12 Nylon 8 Plait

CUSTOM: novabraid-8plait-nylon-ne

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Anchor Rode