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Johnson Hardware Pin Style Quick Release Lever

This fitting is rugged, having an ultimate strength of 2,500 lbs. A positive stop is provided to prevent jamming fingers between fitting and wire when thrown open under load. The large surface area of the push pad makes it easier to close the lever under load. Lever take-up is 2-1/8" to an over-center position and comes with a quick-release pin for positive locking. The extender arm is available in either 1/4" or 5/16" pin size. This is an essential piece of hardware on Catamaran shrouds to allow the crew to right the boat after a capsize. Without it, another boat or extraordinary effort is required. Trailerable boats up to 26 feet find that a lever on the forestay greatly facilitates stepping and unstepping the mast. 14-205: Pin to Pin range = 7-3/8" to 8-3/8" in 1/2" increments. 14-206: Pin to Pin range = 6-7/8" to 8-3/8" in 1/2" increments.

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Item / Price
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Inventory On Hand 02/10 @ 05:36 AM
Product Code
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5/32" Max Wire - #14-206
Quick Access
1/8" Max Wire - 14-205
Quick Access

CUSTOM: pin-style-quick-release-lever

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Shroud Adjusters & Extenders