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System Three #0600K42 Clear Coat 1.5 Quart Kit

Clear Coat is an extremely low viscosity, water-white, penetrating epoxy resin. Clear Coat cures to a brilliantly clear, tough finish without the usual "amine blush" associated with some epoxy resin films. Clear Coat contains no solvents. Use Clear Coat Epoxy as a coating and laminating resin for use in marine and woodworking applications. Clear Coat can be used with a wide range of paint and topcoat options. Features: Rapid wetter of fiberglass cloth. Forms a tough, crystal clear film. Long working time. Combine with varnish for outdoor wood projects. Use as a sealer with your favorite topcoat. Use with System Three Epoxy Pigment Concentrates for woodworking applications. A convenient 2:1 mixing ratio.

Product Code: 646697130011

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Inventory On Hand 02/10 @ 06:03 AM
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CUSTOM: system-three-0600k42-clear-coat-15-quart-kit

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

System Three