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Glomex #V9126AGC Altair 10" TV Antenna

10" TV Antenna Dome with Automatic Gain CONTROL & Nylon Mount (Matches Webboat) The Altair evolves into the Altair AGC to make your life easier with the new and innovative automatic gain control amplifier. Thanks to this new amplifier, you only have to turn on the TV and the antenna AGC will adjust by itself the gain of the TV signal to ensure the best possible reception of television broadcasts. With conventional amplifiers, you have to manually adjust the TV signal gain by lowering or increasing the gain based on the signal strength. With the new Altair AGC, everything will happen automatically and the innovative amplifier can be placed in a hidden location inside the boat. Package Includes: 50023/14 Automatic Gain Control Amplifier, 66' Coaxial Cable to connect the antenna to the amplifier, 5' set cord to connect the amplifier to the TV, Nylon mount.

Product Code: 8051566303991

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Inventory On Hand 02/16 @ 08:09 PM
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CUSTOM: glomex-v9126agc-altair-10-tv-antenna

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

TV Antennas & Mounts