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Plumbing Fittings


What is Marelon?

Our plumbing fittings generally come in 4 varities of materials; bronze, stainless steel, nylon plastic and recently, marelon.

Bronze has been the prefered choice for underwate fittings for many years. Relatively inexpensive, robust and trusted, this material continues to outsell other materials. Bronze can be suspectible to galvanic corrosion, particularily when introduced to stray electrical currents. Bronze is also quite heavy.

Stainless Steel is a relative newcomer to the market, offering an attractive alternative which offers more resistance to corrosion, but at a premium price and heavy weight.

Nylon Plastic is a very economical choice for many boaters, but we do not recommend using any nylon fitting below the waterline or in applications with siginificant pressure. Quite simply, the quality is reflected in the price, and uniformity cannot be guaranteed.

Marelon is a modern material developed by Forespar. It comprises of a carbon fibre and glass reinforced plastic, similar to materials used in the contruction of your boat. It is a plastic that can be used in applications below the waterline and will not corrode. Marelon can often be costly, but the weight savings and lower maintenance can make it worth every penny. Marelon should definitely be considered for racing craft. Watch the video below for more information.

Sea Tech fittings are a revolutionary way to set up your water system, using quick connect fittings and universal tubing, rather than traditional barbed and threaded fittings.

Imagine connecting your water lines using a combination of tubes, elbows and fittings that connect in a matter of seconds!

Sea Tech offers quick connect fittings, valves, modular manifolds and tubing in this world class product offering. 10 Series products are manufactured in polypropylene and are made from FDA approved materials and certified to NSF-61. They are ideal for POU installations, drinking water systems, beverage service and water filtration applications.

Sea Tech connectors utlize a swivel nut with NPS straight threads and a cone seal. This allows the installer to thread onto NPT, NPS, BSP and most male threads. No tools, no thread sealant!
Reducing Tees can be developed by simply snap fitting a Reducing Stem Connector into a Union Tee.
Sea Tech tubing is produced from a high performance, polyethylene material. Sea Tech Tubing is NSF listed, FDA recognized and available in multiple colors for ease of water line identification.


Installing Sea Tech fittings
Cut the tubing to length using the Sea Tech tubing cutter or similar. Inspect the outside diameter of the tubing. It must be free of damage, smooth, and clean.
Measure the insertion depth on the tubing end. Sea Tech connectors have a insertion depth line molded onto the outside of the connector bodies
Make certain to push the tubing completely into the connector until it comes into contact with the internal tubing stop.
To disconnect ensure the system is depressurized before removing connectors. Push the collet in squarely against the face of the fitting. With the collet held in this position, the tubing can be removed. The connectors can then be re-used.