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TRUDESIGN Non Return Valve Black

Tru-Design Non-Return Valves are designed for marine, farming, horticulture and mining industries. Manufactured from a high strength, UV stabilised Glass Reinforced Nylon composite - High strength and lightweight. Can be used in direct sunlight. High impact and tensile strength - Water hammer safe and insensitive to pressure shocks in the pipeline. Stainless spring - No corrosion issues or risk of internal valve staying open. Low cracking pressure - Minimal pressure required to open the valve with minimal restriction on flowrate. In line fitting - Minimal installation room needed and no other fittings required. Printed white arrow (opposite logo side) - Quick and easy identification of water flow direction. Sold Individually.

Usually Stocked Items normally ship immediately or in 1-2 business days. These items are returnable subject to our RETURN POLICY
Quick Access Items normally ship in 1-2 business days. Quick Access Items are returnable subject to our RETURN POLICY but with a restocking fee.
Special Order Items normally need a little extra time to be brought in from our suppliers � in some cases up to 7 business days. Special Orders are returnable subject to our RETURN POLICY but with a restocking fee.
Request Items may take a few days to obtain from our suppliers and pricing may need to be updated. Marine Outfitters will contact you to provide an approximate delivery date and confirmation of price. Request items cannot be returned!
Item / Price
Stock Type
Inventory On Hand 02/13 @ 04:11 AM
Product Code
Order Quantity
2" GRP - #TD90812
Usually Stocked Item
1-1/2" GRP - #TD90807
Usually Stocked Item
1-1/4" GRP - #TD90806
Usually Stocked Item
1" GRP - #TD90805
Usually Stocked Item
3/4" GRP - #TD90804
Usually Stocked Item

CUSTOM: non-return-valve-black

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

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