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The new ACR GlobalFix V5 AIS Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon is an innovative EPIRB with a unique feature set. The addition of an AIS alert provides the easiest and quickest path to rescue while the included Return Link Service (RLS) functionality provides a welcome sense of security by providing direct to beacon confirmation that your distress message has been received. Adding Near Field Communication (NFC) to the mix allows for smartphone connectivity and access to data and product interaction that has never before been available. This advanced feature set makes the GlobalFix V5 perfect for mariners whether coastal cruising, working offshore or crossing oceans. PROGRAMMED FOR CANADA

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Inventory On Hand 02/07 @ 10:23 AM
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CAT 2: Manual Relese Bracket - 2852
Quick Access

CUSTOM: globalfix-v5-ais-epirb

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing