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Ocean Signal #702S-03401 EPIRB1 Pro w Auto Release Housing @

EPIRB1 Pro Cat 1 EPIRB: The SafeSea EPIRB1 Pro operates in the 406MHz satellite band. This band comprises the international distress frequencies that are constantly monitored by Cospas-Sarsat, the international search and rescue satellite operator, ensuring a rapid response when a signal is received, no matter where it is in the world. As the world's most compact Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon or EPIRB, the EPIRB1 Pro pairs its compact stature with a durable design, making it a practical option to meet the needs of all commercial, fishing, and leisure vessels. The product has been designed for maximum efficiency and boasts a 10 year battery life in addition to superb operating life when activated, keeping rescue services updated with your location for longer.

Product Code: 5060266111143

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Inventory On Hand 02/07 @ 10:42 AM
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CUSTOM: ocean-signal-702s03401-epirb1-pro-w-auto-release-housing

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing