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Ocean Signal #702S-01540 Category II EPIRB *

30% smaller, compared to other products approved to recognised standards. The rescueME EPIRB1 provides peace of mind with an impressive 10 year battery life. The world's most compact EPIRB can always be on hand, as its small size allows it to be easily retained within its quick release bracket or placed in an emergency grab-bag or life raft. A simple protective tab over the operating keys prevents inadvertent activation, yet allows for easy operation when required. The rescueME EPIRB1 also features two high brightness strobes to maximise visibility in low light conditions. The retractable antenna provides maximum protection and a reduced outline for stowage. When required the antenna is easily deployed with a gentle pull. For longer offshore or ocean passages, the Ocean Signal E100G EPIRB offers an exceptional 96 hour operational life with the option of an automatic release housing.

Product Code: 5060266110405

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Inventory On Hand 02/07 @ 09:32 AM
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CUSTOM: ocean-signal-702s01540-category-ii-epirb

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing