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Pettit #3021 EZ-Poxy Performance Enhancer

EZ-Poxy Performance Enhancer is an additive that can be used in all Pettit high gloss solvent based topside paints: EZ-Poxy, EZ-Decks, EZ- Bilge and Varnishes. Its advanced formulation polymers within the paint film, providing exceptional durability, gloss-retention, scratch resistance and longevity. Unlike other two-part urethane, paints catalyzed with this hardener can be applied over well adhered one-part finishes. EZ-Poxy PE truly makes achieving a high quality, long lasting yacht finish easy. Product #3021 - Half Pint (8 Oz. Can) per for one gallon of paint. Features: Container: 8 oz. Increases gloss, hardness and longevity of Pettit solvent based topside finishes. Provides the durability and gloss of linear polyurethanes with the ease of use of enamels and one-part polyurethanes. Increases flow out of brush strokes and roller stipple, providing a mirror-like high gloss finish. 235mL

Product Code: 725469029033

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Inventory On Hand 02/17 @ 06:22 AM
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CUSTOM: pettit-3021-ezpoxy-performance-enhancer

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Single Part Topside Paint